Research Article
Chae, J.H., Yoon, H.C., Ahn, J.H., Jung, J.W., 2022, Evaluation of the soil-structure interaction of a MDOF column type structure on group piles based on the large scale 1g shaking table test and the numerical analysis, Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, 34(4), 47-58 (in Korean with English abstract).
- Publisher :Korean Society of Engineering Geology
- Publisher(Ko) :대한지질공학회
- Journal Title :The Journal of Engineering Geology
- Journal Title(Ko) :지질공학
- Volume : 33
- No :2
- Pages :293-305
- Received Date : 2023-05-22
- Revised Date : 2023-06-29
- Accepted Date : 2023-06-29
- DOI :