Current Issue
2024 Vol.34, Issue 2
Long-Term Monitoring and Analysis of Changes in the Soil Layer on Dokdo
장기 모니터링을 통한 독도 자연사면의 토층 변화 분석
Kyeong-Su Kim, Young-Suk Song, Dae-Seong Yun, Eunseok Bang
김경수, 송영석, 윤대성, 방은석
Long-Term Monitoring and Analysis of Changes in the Soil Layer on Dokdo
- LandScient_EWS: Real-Time Monitoring of Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Early Warning - A Case Study in the Colombian Andes
- Roberto J. Marin, Julián Camilo Marín-Sánchez
A Study on the Stability of the Slope according to the Bedding of the Sedimentary Rocks
퇴적암지대의 층리 경사에 따른 비탈면 안정성 검토
Seonggi Yu, Chanmook Chung, Dongwon Lee
유성기, 정찬묵, 이동원
A Study on the Stability of the Slope according to the Bedding of the Sedimentary Rocks
Flow Path of Choosan Spring in Nari Basin, Ulleung Island, South Korea
울릉도 나리분지 추산용천수의 유동 경로
Byeongdae Lee, Min Han, Dong-Hun Kim, Byong-Wook Cho, Chung-Ryul Ryoo
이병대, 한 민, 김동훈, 조병욱, 류충렬
Flow Path of Choosan Spring in Nari Basin, Ulleung Island, South Korea
Determination Method of Suitable Mud Density While Drilling through Confined Aquifer and Its Application
피압대수층을 통과하는 대심도 시추 중 적정이수밀도 결정 방법 및 적용 사례
Woon Sang Yoon, Yoosung Kim, Hyeongjin Jeon, Yoonho Song, Changhyun Lee
윤운상, 김유성, 전형진, 송윤호, 이창현
Determination Method of Suitable Mud Density While Drilling through Confined Aquifer and Its Application
Hydrochemistry, Isotopic Characteristics, and Formation Model Geothermal Waters in Dongrae, Busan, South Korea
부산 동래 온천수의 수리화학 및 동위원소 특성, 생성모델 연구
Yujin Lee, Chanho Jeong, Yongcheon Lee
이유진, 정찬호, 이용천
Hydrochemistry, Isotopic Characteristics, and Formation Model Geothermal Waters in Dongrae, Busan, South Korea
Numerical Analysis of the Stability of a High-Strength Joint Buried Pile Retaining Wall Method
수치해석을 이용한 고강도 결합 매입말뚝 흙막이 공법의 안정성 검토에 관한 연구
Hyeok Seo, Yeongpan Ha, Junyoung Choi, Kyungho Park, Daehyeon Kim
서 혁, 하영판, 최준영, 박경호, 김대현
Numerical Analysis of the Stability of a High-Strength Joint Buried Pile Retaining Wall Method
Estimation of Groundwater Availability by Using the SWAT-K Model in Yeoncheon District, South Korea
SWAT-K 모형을 이용한 연천지역의 지하수 개발가능량 추정
Jeong Eun Lee, Min-Gyu Kim, Il-Moon Chung
이정은, 김민규, 정일문
Estimation of Groundwater Availability by Using the SWAT-K Model in Yeoncheon District, South Korea
Grouting Improvement through Correlation Analysis of Hydrogeology and Discontinuity Factors in a Jointed Rock-Mass
절리 암반의 수리지질 및 불연속면 특성 간 상관분석을 통한 그라우팅 계획 수립의 개선 방안
Kwangmin Beck, Seonggan Jang, Seongwoo Jeong, Minjune Yang
백광민, 장성간, 정성우, 양민준
Grouting Improvement through Correlation Analysis of Hydrogeology and Discontinuity Factors in a Jointed Rock-Mass
Electrical Resistivity Survey on Paved Surface and Case Studies
포장된 지표에서의 전기비저항 탐사 및 사례 연구
Juyeon Jeong, Myungjin Nam
정주연, 남명진
Electrical Resistivity Survey on Paved Surface and Case Studies
Hydrological Drought Evaluation in Upstream Inje Region
인제지역의 수문학적 가뭄 평가
Joo-Heon Lee, Min-Gyu Kim, Si-Jung Choi, Il-Moon Chung
이주헌, 김민규, 최시중, 정일문
Hydrological Drought Evaluation in Upstream Inje Region